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Murchison fall National Park Birding Safari

Murchison fall national park is the largest and oldest national park that is situated in north western Uganda and it is under the MFCA (Murchison falls conservation area) which is also covers karuma falls and Bugungu wildlife reserve. The park is situated on a total land area of 3893 kilometers and a total land area of 5072 kilometers inclusive of karuma falls and Bugungu will life reserve.

Murchison falls National Park is one of the best destinations for Uganda wildlife safaris that are rich in a wide range of wildlife features that is hidden in the heart of the park. It is a home to the great might Murchison waterfall as well as Uhuru falls one of the major key attractions that bring in a lot of tourist.

Murchison fall national park is divided into two sections by the Albertine river, the northern section and the southern section that have got a lot of great wildlife wonders survive in open savannah grassland, savannah woodland as well as the tropical rainforest. The park is one of the best destinations to spot the big five animals that were named by the big hunters, such as the lions, the giant elephants, the leopards, the African caped buffaloes and the rhinos that can be viewed at Ziwa rhino sanctuary on your way Murchison falls.

The park is rich in a wide variety of other wildlife animals that high concentrated in the northern section of Murchison fall national park such as bushbucks, waterbucks, the Rothschild giraffes, the impala antelopes, the warthogs, the Oribis, zebras, uganda kobs, hippos, the Nile crocodiles among others as well as the primate mammals in budongo forest such as chimpanzees, white and black colobus monkeys, the grey checked monkeys, the red tailed monkeys, blue monkeys, L’Hoest’s monkeys among others.

Bird watching attaching safaris in Murchison fall national park

Murchison fall national park harbors over 450 bird species that can be spotted in the various sections of the park which is one of the reasons why it is among the top destinations for the bird watching experiences in Uganda for all travelers that come to Africa and they are who are bird lovers. Some of the bird species expected to be seen in Murchison fall national park includes; the Albertine endemic species, the migrants, the water birds as well as the forest birds .

Birding safaris in Murchison fall national park can be done together with other activities with in the park such as game drives, boat cruise on the Nile River, chimpanzee trekking as well as the guided nature walks.

Bird watching on a game drive, game drive in Murchison will lead you through different tracks that will give an opportunity to spot different species of birds. Some of the game drive tracks include the Albert track, the Buligi track plus the Queen’s track. Some of the bird species expected to be seen while on a game drive includes the black bellied bustard, weaver birds, open billed stork, marabou stork, secretary bird, Abyssinian ground hornbill among others.

Bird watching on a boat cruise ride, boat cruise ride is done by either the Nile boat will take you up stream to the bottom of the falls, or by the delta boat that takes you downstream to Albertine Nile delta. Boat cruise will give you an opportunity to enjoy water birds such as great blue turaco, the African black crake, African jacana, malachite kingfisher, fish eagle, squacco heron, dwarf kingfisher, African skimmer, blue spotted doves, blue headed coucal, saddle billed stork among others.

Bird watching with Guided nature walk, this is normally done budongo forest while trekking the chimpanzees, to the bottom the falls falling the barkers track, along the Albertine river, kaniyo pabidi forest as well as Rabongo forest. some of the expected bird species to be seen while on a guided nature walk include fork tailed Drongo, blue napped mouse, olive breasted greenbull, swamp flycatcher, forest robin, yellow crested woodpecker, pygmy crake, Cassin’s hawk, speckled tinker bird, Ituri batis, yellow spotted barbet, black and white casqued, guinea Congo, silver birds, blue throated roller yellow footed catcher among others.

Best time for birding safaris in Murchison fall national park.

The best time for the birding safaris is during the dry season when walking trails are passable thus they are not muddy and slippery making it for vehicle on a game drive go through without any difficulties. This is during the months of December to full end of February, June to mid –October and it is at same time referred to as the peak season.

Birding safaris can be done also in the rainy season when there is plenty of food for the birds thus they can easily be spotted in numbers without hassles of moving for long in the park. The rainy season is during the months of march, April, May and November although during this season road tracks with in the park and walking trails are slippery and wet making it difficult for the game drives so as to spot the various bird species in the park.

In conclusion birding safaris in Murchison fall nation park is open to travelers throughout the year therefore travelers can participate in the activity any time they are ready to travel to Africa and Murchison falls national is one of the best top destination for birding safaris. Please contact adventure in the wild safaris for any of your bird watching experience so as you can enjoy colorful memories and unforgettable experience with one of our experienced birding guide in the jungle.

Adventure in the wild Safaris

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