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The Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary

Visit the Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary for Rhino Tracking

Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary is located near Nakitoma Village, Nakasongola District, in the Kafu River Basin, of the Kampala-Gulu Highway and it is about 180km by road north of Kampala. In addition to on foot rhino trekking, tourist activities include birding, canoe rides and nature walks. The sanctuary offers a secure place where rhino populations can be expanded by breeding, protected from human and non-human predators and gradually re-introduced into Uganda’s national parks, while at the same time, allowing the public to enjoy these majestic animals, as the project moves forward. The sanctuary is home to at least 40 mammal and reptilian species including monkeys, antelopes, hippopotamuses, crocodiles and numerous bird species. Beside foot rhino trekking, tourist activities include birding, canoe rides and nature walks.

Objectives and functions of the Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary

  • To promote the reintroduction of rhinoceros to protected areas within Uganda;
  • To promote breeding programs to ensure the long term viability of reintroduced rhinoceros populations in Uganda;
  • To establish programs in conjunction with the Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA), district governments and local communities to ensure the protection of the rhinoceros populations from poaching;
  • To conduct education programs about the endangered rhinoceros;
  • To build national support for the protection of rhinoceros populations in Uganda;
  • To conduct fund raising campaigns and generate funds in support of translocation, protection, and management of the reintroduced rhinoceros populations.

Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary Rates >>

Ziwa rhino sanctuary
Enjoy Rhino tracking at the Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary

NOTE: If you are visiting Murchison Falls National Park, visit to the Sanctuary is a must do.


Birding at Ziwa Sanctuary:

Birding can be done by boat or you can take some guided walks that are from half-day to full-day in length since beside being a Rhino Sanctuary, it is also home to 350 bird species and these include: as the White Crested Turaco, the Giant Kingfisher, and the Speckled breasted Woodpecker and the rare shoebill inclusive.

Ziwa Nature Walks:

Beside the Rhino tracking at the sanctuary, the nature walks will also give you an opportunity to encounter other animals such as: bushbuck, grey duiker, oribi, waterbuck, reedbuck, hartebeest, mongoose, ground squirrels, vervet monkeys, black and white Colobus, and various reptiles such as large monitor lizards, butterflies and interesting insects. This will also be a great chance for the bird watchers to sight different bird species.

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